


主要从事微藻固碳、可再生能源、废水处理及微藻基副产物等基础及应用研究,具体包括微藻培养、光合反应器设计、生长动力学模拟、发酵动力模拟、机器学习在生物能源中应用等。已参与 “微藻细胞在固体介质表明的粘附行为与成膜动力学”(国家自然科学基金),“固态基微藻培养单元研制”,贴壁培养螺旋藻生产甘油葡糖苷实验室及10平米中试的全套工艺研发等多个项目。受邀担任Bioresource Technology等学术期刊审稿人。(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7206-3428)

2019.8-至今 中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所,生物化工,博士在读

2015.8-2019.6 太原理工大学,化学工程与技术,工学学士


[1] Li L#, Wang Y#, Gao L, Zhou W, Chen L, Zhang Z*, Liu T*.Experiments and cellular automata simulation reveal light/carbon transportation and growth mechanism of Chlorella vulgaris biofilm in attached cultivation[J].Chemical Engineering Journal,2023, 457.

[2] Wang Y#, Li L#, Zhao D, Zhou W, Chen L, Su Ge, Zhang Z*, Liu T*.Surface patterns of mortar plates influence Spirulina platensis biofilm attached cultivation: Experiment and modeling[J].Algal Research,2023, 71.

[3] Zhao D#, Li L, Chen L*, Liu T.Effects of cultivation conditions on the growth and the synthesis of oil and linoleic acid in the filamentous microalgae Klebsormidium sp.[J].China Oils and Fats,2023.

[4] Liu Y#, Li L, Wang J, Fei, Y, Liu N, Wu, G*.Effect of carbon nanotube addition in two sizing agents on interfacial properties of carbon fiber / polycarbonate composites[J].New Carbon Materials,2021, 36 (3): 639-648.

[5] 刘天中,周文俊,李璐,王永强,程文涛,陈林,高莉丽. 一种倒V形结构的微藻多表面贴壁培养反应器及培养方法[P]. 山东省:CN114989949A,2022-09-02.



上一篇: 樊泽豪