Dr. CHEN Lin


Associate research professor



Selected Publications

  1. Yu Wang, Xiaotong Ji, Lin Chen, Guanpin Yang, Wenjun Zhou, Xinhe Huang and Tianzhong Liu, Conversion of saturated fatty acid to unsaturated one: Whole-cell catalysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2023. 196: p. 108960.

  2. Junfeng Wang, Weiwei Tang, Lin Chen, Wen Liu, Xin Gao and Tianzhong Liu, Simple method for preserving large quantity of high viability red biomass of Haematococcus in the medium term (3 similar to 6months). Journal of Applied Phycology, 2019. 31(3): p. 1607-1613.

  3. Hui Wang, Yan Zhang, Lin Chen, Wentao Cheng and Tianzhong Liu, Combined production of fucoxanthin and EPA from two diatom strains Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Cylindrotheca fusiformis cultures. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2018. 41(7): p. 1061-1071.

  4. Wenjun Zhou, Hui Wang, Lin Chen, Wentao Cheng and Tianzhong Liu, Heterotrophy of filamentous oleaginous microalgae Tribonema minus for potential production of lipid and palmitoleic acid. Bioresource Technology, 2017. 239: p. 250-257.

  5. Lin Chen, Lanlan Zhang and Tianzhong Liu, Concurrent production of carotenoids and lipid by a filamentous microalga Trentepohlia arborum. Bioresource Technology, 2016. 214: p. 567-573.

  6. Lin Chen, Runzhi Li, Xiaoli Ren and Tianzhong Liu, Improved aqueous extraction of microalgal lipid by combined enzymatic and thermal lysis from wet biomass of Nannochloropsis oceanica. Bioresource Technology, 2016. 214: p. 138-143.

  7. Lanlan Zhang, Lin Chen, Junfeng Wang, Yu Chen, Xin Gao, Zhaohui Zhang and Tianzhong Liu, Attached cultivation for improving the biomass productivity of Spirulina platensis. Bioresource Technology, 2015. 181: p. 136-142.

  8. Lin Chen, Lanlan Zhang, Wei Zhang and Tianzhong Liu, Comparative analysis of growth and carotenoid accumulation of Trentepohlia arborum in aerial, subaerial, and aquatic cultivation. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2015. 27(3): p. 1079-1087.

  9. Hui Wang, Wei Zhang, Lin Chen, Junfeng Wang and Tianzhong Liu, The contamination and control of biological pollutants in mass cultivation of microalgae. Bioresource Technology, 2013. 128: p. 745-750.

  10. Hui Wang, Lili Gao, Lin Chen, Fajin Guo and Tianzhong Liu, Integration process of biodiesel production from filamentous oleaginous microalgae Tribonema minus. Bioresource Technology, 2013. 142: p. 39-44.

  11. Lin Chen, Tianzhong Liu, Wei Zhang, Xiaolin Chen and Junfeng Wang, Biodiesel production from algae oil high in free fatty acids by two-step catalytic conversion. Bioresource Technology, 2012. 111: p. 208-214.

